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AP EAMCET (EAPCET) Mathematic Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Binomial Theorem MCQs - AP EAMCET

Binomial Theorem - AP EAMCET Mathematics

  1. 81. The binomial expansion of (1 + x)n where n is a positive integer is given by:

    • A) ∑k=0n ⇤ nk xk
    • B) ∑k=1n ⇤ nk xn-k
    • C) ∑k=0n-1 ⇤ nk xk
    • D) ∑k=1n-1 ⇤ nk xk

    Answer: A

  2. 82. The middle term in the expansion of (a + b)6 is:

    • A) 15a3b3
    • B) 10a3b3
    • C) 20a2b4
    • D) 12a2b4

    Answer: B

  3. 83. The binomial expansion of (1 + x)1/2 up to the second term is:

    • A) 1 + 1/2x
    • B) 1 + 1/2x + 1/8x2
    • C) 1 + x + 1/2x2
    • D) 1 + x + 1/2x

    Answer: B

  4. 84. The general term in the binomial expansion of (1 + x)n is:

    • A) ⇤ nr xn-r
    • B) ⇤ nr xr
    • C) ⇤ nr xr * rn
    • D) ⇤ rn xn-r

    Answer: B

  5. 85. What is the sum of the coefficients in the binomial expansion of (1 + x)7?

    • A) 7
    • B) 128
    • C) 1
    • D) 256

    Answer: D

  6. 86. In the binomial expansion of (1 + x)n, the coefficient of x3 is:

    • A) ⇤ n3
    • B) ⇤ 3n
    • C) ⇤ 31
    • D) ⇤ n1

    Answer: A

  7. 87. The binomial expansion of (1 + x)3/2 up to the first two terms is:

    • A) 1 + 3/2x
    • B) 1 + 3/2x + 3/8x2
    • C) 1 + x + 3/2x2
    • D) 1 + 3/2x + 1/8x2

    Answer: B

  8. 88. The term independent of x in the expansion of (x + 1/x)6 is:

    • A) 6
    • B) 15
    • C) 20
    • D) 10

    Answer: D

  9. 89. In the expansion of (1 + x)n, the number of terms is:

    • A) n + 1
    • B) n - 1
    • C) n
    • D) 2n

    Answer: A

  10. 90. Using the binomial theorem, the approximation for (1 + x)1/3 for small x is:

    • A) 1 + 1/3x
    • B) 1 + 1/3x + 1/9x2
    • C) 1 + x + 1/2x2
    • D) 1 + 1/3x + 1/27x2

    Answer: A

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