The science of classification of plants is called:
Answer: C) Taxonomy
The type of classification based on the overall similarity of organisms is known as:
Answer: B) Natural system
Who proposed the binomial nomenclature system of naming plants?
Answer: B) Linnaeus
The floral formula of the Fabaceae family includes:
Answer: B) Br, K(5), C1+2+(2), A(9)+1, G1
Plants in the Solanaceae family are characterized by which feature?
Answer: B) Epipetalous stamens
An example of a plant from the Liliaceae family is:
Answer: C) Aloe
The inflorescence typical of the Solanaceae family is:
Answer: B) Cyme
Which family is also referred to as the "Pea family"?
Answer: A) Fabaceae
The arrangement of ovules in a fruit of Solanaceae is called:
Answer: A) Axile placentation
A distinguishing characteristic of the Liliaceae family is the presence of:
Answer: C) Trimerous flowers
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