JEE (Main) Mathematics Questions
JEE (Main) Mathematics Questions
31. The general solution of the linear differential equation
\( \frac{dy}{dx} + P(x)y = 0 \) is:
- y = Ce-∫P(x)dx
- y = Ce∫P(x)dx
- y = Cx + P(x)
- None of these
Answer: a) y = Ce-∫P(x)dx
32. For the differential equation \( \frac{dy}{dx} + 3y = 0 \), the integrating factor (IF) is:
- e-3x
- e3x
- 3x
- e1/3 x
Answer: a) e-3x
33. The solution of \( \frac{dy}{dx} - 2y = e^{3x} \) is:
- y = Ce2x + e3x
- y = Ce2x + 1/5 e3x
- y = Ce-2x + e3x
- y = e3x + e2x
Answer: b) y = Ce2x + 1/5 e3x
34. The equation \( \frac{dy}{dx} + \frac{1}{x}y = x^2 \) is:
- Homogeneous
- Non-homogeneous
- Exact
- Linear
Answer: b) Non-homogeneous
35. In the equation \( \frac{dy}{dx} + P(x)y = Q(x) \), the solution is given by:
- \( y = \frac{1}{\mu} \int \mu Q(x) dx + C \), where \( \mu = e^{\int P(x) dx} \)
- \( y = \mu \int \frac{1}{Q(x)} dx \), where \( \mu = e^{-\int P(x) dx} \)
- y = CeP(x) + Q(x)
- y = Ce-P(x) + Q(x)
Answer: a) \( y = \frac{1}{\mu} \int \mu Q(x) dx + C \), where \( \mu = e^{\int P(x) dx} \)
36. The integrating factor of \( \frac{dy}{dx} + \frac{2}{x}y = x^3 \) is:
- x-2
- x2
- x4
- x-4
Answer: b) x2
37. If \( \frac{dy}{dx} + y = e^{2x} \), the particular solution is:
- \( y = \frac{1}{3}e^{2x} + Ce^{-x} \)
- \( y = Ce^{x} + e^{2x} \)
- \( y = \frac{1}{2}e^{2x} - Ce^{-x} \)
- \( y = Ce^{-x} - \frac{1}{3}e^{2x} \)
Answer: a) \( y = \frac{1}{3}e^{2x} + Ce^{-x} \)
38. For the linear equation \( \frac{dy}{dx} + \frac{3}{x}y = x^2 \), the integrating factor is:
- x-3
- x3
- ex^2
- x
Answer: b) x3
39. The differential equation \( \frac{dy}{dx} = y - x \) is:
- Linear
- Non-linear
- Homogeneous
- Exact
Answer: a) Linear
40. The general solution of \( \frac{dy}{dx} + ky = 0 \) is:
- y = Ce-kx
- y = Cekx
- y = C + kx
- None of these
Answer: a) y = Ce-kx
41. For the equation \( \frac{dy}{dx} - \frac{1}{x}y = x \), the integrating factor is:
- e1/x
- eln(x)
- x
- ln(x)
Answer: b) eln(x)
42. The particular solution of \( \frac{dy}{dx} + y = \sin(x) \) is:
- y = Ce-x + \( \sin(x) - \cos(x) \)
- y = Cex + \( \sin(x) - \cos(x) \)
- y = Ce-x + \( \cos(x) + \sin(x) \)
- y = Cex - \( \cos(x) - \sin(x) \)
Answer: a) y = Ce-x + \( \sin(x) - \cos(x) \)
43. In the linear equation \( \frac{dy}{dx} + P(x)y = Q(x) \), if \( Q(x) = 0 \), the equation is called:
- Non-linear
- Homogeneous
- Exact
- Linear
Answer: b) Homogeneous
44. The solution of \( \frac{dy}{dx} + y = 0 \) with initial condition \( y(0) = 1 \) is:
- y = ex
- y = e-x
- y = ex-1
- y = e-x+1
Answer: b) y = e-x
45. The general solution of \( \frac{dy}{dx} + 2y = e^x \) is:
- y = Ce-2x + \( \frac{e^x}{2} \)
- y = Ce2x + \( \frac{e^x}{2} \)
- y = Ce-2x + \( \frac{e^x}{4} \)
- y = Ce-2x + \( e^x \)
Answer: a) y = Ce-2x + \( \frac{e^x}{2} \)
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